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SAINTS Rescue Visit

Some very Special Bunnies
Here is Charles, a beautiful English Lop. Check out those ears!
Some of the toys we dropped off
19 baby bunnies vs. Bunnyparte Toys
In July, the Small Animal Rescue Society of BC took in Myrtle, a beautiful big Californian bun who just had a litter of kits. Meanwhile Bandaids for bunnies had some orphans looking for a nursing mum. Myrtle took on these new kits alongside her own in her foster home, only to surprisingly give birth to another litter just days after arriving.
Myrtle is an amazing rabbit. She cared for all her kits while being transported from home to home, and even took on some who weren't her own. Thankfully, she has already found a permanent home, where her new family will enjoy her friendly, cuddly personality.
We had the extreme pleasure of paying these special buns a visit, and dropping of some toys for them to play with!
A binky blur!
Baby bunnies! Some of the toys were as large as them! ... but not for long!
Two baby bunnies having a snooze
So many nibbles!
So tiered from playing! I need a quick snooze!
Flying high with Pilots N Paws Canada
For the past little while, we have been in contact with Pilots N Paws Canada. They are based in Vancouver, and are celebrating their first year in operation flying abused, abandoned and injured animals to new homes, fosters or medical care all over Canada.
We are proud and very excited to announce that we are donating some toys for their facebook auction!
Read more about Pilots N Paws Canada here and don't forget to like their facebook page to check out our toys in their coming auction!